How I wasted an entire day on wrong MIME type

Problem description: External CSS file required by HTML was being downloaded from the server but not being applied to the Web page To add to the frustration, if the Web page (which, as mentioned, was rendered without the CSS) was then saved locally from the browser and then that file opened in the browser, it …

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Taking ScreenShots of your Mobile App

Android ∞ On Android, you first need to define an emulator if you don’t have one. You do this by launching Eclipse ADT > Window > Android Virtual Device Manager. One you have defined your emulator, you can check your Cordova app on it by: cordova build android followed by cordova emulate android It takes …

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Some Cordova 3.3 gotchas (there are more)

Using the inappbrowser plugin: what should be in your config.xml is: <feature name="InAppBrowser"> <param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser.InAppBrowser"/> </feature> and not <feature name="InAppBrowser"> <param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.InAppBrowser"/> </feature> Also, if you want to use the back button handler on Android, make sure you have the following in your config.xml <feature name="App"> <param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.App" /> </feature> Another issue …

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Browser power from the command line

If you require the ability to programmatically access the full power of the web browser without ever opening a web browser you should take a look at PhantomJS Want even more power ? Combine it with CasperJS With these technologies you can run automated scripts that don’t require any desktop UI or browser …

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Install Apache, MySQL, PHP on OS/X Mountain lion

Nice guide here I was unaware that Apache comes preinstalled with OS/X In a nutshell ∞ All the relevant files are at /etc/apache2 Starting, stopping, restarting the service is done with sudo apachectl start sudo apachectl stop sudo apachectl restart The default document root is at /Library/WebServer/Documents/ but you can create a different document rule …

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Quick http server

So you want to quickly test some static files from an http server ? Just cd to the folder where these files are and: Using Python 2.x: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 Using Python 3.x: python -m http.server 8000 Another option, if you have PHP installed is: php -S localhost:8000