Modifying the shell prompt
After cd’ing into ever deeper directory structures the shell prompt made my console look like a mess. A great article about prompt magic gave me all that I needed to clean this up.
After cd’ing into ever deeper directory structures the shell prompt made my console look like a mess. A great article about prompt magic gave me all that I needed to clean this up.
The goal – to create a cross platform application infrastructure for Linux, Windows and Mac that will serve as the basis for future cross platform application. I first thought of using wxwidgets but noticed that there were problems getting it to compile on Mountain Lion OS/X. In addition, Qt seemed more equipped to handle to …
The trick is to use the find command with the -exec or -execdir parameter. I needed to remove all the files named serials_dev.db3 from multiple backup directories. The following did the job: find . -type f -name "serials_dev.db3" -exec rm -f {} ; Here are the relevant parts from the find man page: -exec command …
Continue reading ‘Recursively remove specific filename in Linux’ »
This is the previous content of the site, where the idea was to store information that will assist in saving precious time when trying to develop something or fix something. Geany ∞ This is the home page One crazy issue I had on Windows was that for some reason at some point the Geany …
The first thing mentioned in the GIMP developer plugin tutorial is that gimptool-2.0 is required to to install a plugin, however it does not mention where this tool is available. A search provided this site which explained it is part of the gimp development library. On Ubuntu just issue: sudo apt-get install libgimp2.0-dev
Since I don’t do this often enough to remember – here’s the procedure summarized (for Linux and OS/X, on Windows use putty): me@here is username me at ip/hostname here user@there is username user at ip/hostname there me@here$ cd me@here$ ssh-keygen -t rsa press return a few times, don’t enter passphrase. This will create a public/private …
Openresty is an excellent piece of work that enables combining Lua scripting with the power of nginx, thereby giving you Lua as a server side scripting engine. Installing it is simple – just get the stable or latest version from the site, open it, ./configure, make and sudo make install. On a clean Ubuntu, you …
hebcal is a nice utility that compiles on all major platforms and calculates the Hebrew holidays using a perpetual calendar. iconv is an amazing piece of work that can convert between zillions of encoding formats and is also available for all major platforms. By default, just running hebcal displays the current year’s Hebrew holidays in …
I thought this would be trivial but ended up fighting with various solutions until I found one that worked without requiring additional configurations. So first you might need to install the sqlite3 development libraries (which are needed to compile the Lua sqlite3 connector): sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev install luarocks if you don’t have it sudo …