Bitnami and LetsEncrypt
A very good tutorial on creating and extending LetsEncrypt certificates on Bitnami:
A very good tutorial on creating and extending LetsEncrypt certificates on Bitnami:
Seems like a comprehensive set of algorithms in one library, based on a similar Java project:
This is probably easier to do for PHP 7.4, but I wanted PHP 7.3 to make sure everything is compatible with existing code. The code below assumes you are doing this in an interactive shell in a Docker container build for creating binaries for AWS Lambda. Doing this is explained here First, install the necessary …
Continue reading ‘Compiling PHP 7.3 with MySQL support for AWS Lambda’ »
There might be a built-in method to do so, but I haven’t found one. I wanted to download packages of all the lambda files I have in AWS and ended up creating a script to do it. Of course you should replace the –region parameter with the AWS region you run your AWS lambda functions …
The short version: logname = ‘processing’ formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt=’%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s’, datefmt=’%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’) handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger = logging.getLogger(logname) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.handlers = [] # === Make sure to add this line logger.addHandler(handler) logger.propagate = False # === and this line For details, check out this link
While attempting to compile a test sample together a library I needed, I received the following /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++ installing the following solved the issue. I didn’t even check if both installations are necessary – if you have the curiosity to dig further then send your conclusions, but all I wanted was a solution …
Last post discussed launching LuaJIT from Python on AWS Lambda. Suppose you want to receive events from the Lua code in the Python code that invoked it. If you don’t have a Python-Lua API then you are left with either using sockets, files or even getting feedback by reading the realtime output from the process …
Continue reading ‘lupa (LuaJIT/Lua-Python bridge) on AWS Lambda’ »
In the previous post I explained how to create your AWS lambda environment using Docker, and how to package a python bundle and launch it on AWS Lambda. In this post I’ll show how you can launch arbitrary executables from an AWS Lambda function. To make this tutorial even more useful, the example of an …
Continue reading ‘AWS Lambda – running python bundles and arbitrary executables – Part 2’ »
In a previous post, I mentioned using Amazon Linux EC2 to create AWS Lambda compatible packages. While this works, another way to create packages that can run on AWS Lambda is to create them locally via a Docker Amazon Linux image . One downside I’ve found to this method is that sometimes these images are …
Continue reading ‘AWS Lambda – running python bundles and arbitrary executables’ »
Can’t believe I haven’t heard of this utility before (in my defense, I haven’t been a heavy Windows user for a few years now): Anyway: the software’s name is “Everything” – get it here Amazing indexing speed of all your drives and immediate lookup of any filename, including parts of a name, regex searches etc. …