Quick guide to Google closure compiler tool

Google’s closure compiler is an impressive tool that parses JavaScript code and make various optimizations on it, including minimizing its size. This post will provide what is needed to effectively utilize it in minimum time. Step 1 – verify consistant property access methods in your code ∞ The first thing you should do is make …

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Fastest Scrabble Algorithm ?

After making a small change, I’ve managed to improve the algorithm so that the computer will make a move in under a second every turn. Considering this is all written in pure JavaScript and runs on the browser, I’m starting to wonder whether the algorithm I wrote is the fastest existing scrabble algorithm out there…

JavaScript Graphic Libraries

I’ve been looking at some JavaScript libraries to be used for data visualization – there are quite a few, from impressive heavy duty data visualization frameworks like D3 (which requires modern browsers that support SVG) through powerful vector rendering libraries like Raphaël that work across almost all browsers and versions using SVG or VML for …

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Combination Algorithms and the Natural Logarithm Base

While comparing the efficiency of my iterative method for generating combinations vs. the recursive method shown at the Rosetta Code site I picked up on a pattern that at first glance is not obvious so I’m still looking into it. It seems that the ratio of the efficiency between the algorithms seems to approach the …

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