PHP – switch statement vs. function dispatching

When you start having too many cases in your switch statement, it might be worth looking into using a function lookup. This is possible in all languages where functions are first class citizens… <?php $post = "hello"; $info = "3.1415"; //———————————————————– // Version 1 – using a switch statement //———————————————————– switch ($post) {     …

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Virtual Box – Shared folders on Ubuntu Guest

Well, the first thing to make sure is that Guest Additions are correctly installed. For example, on Ubuntu 16.04 guest on VirtualBox 5.0.32 r112930 I received a message that the kernel headers were not found (even though they did exist). This was fixed with: sudo apt-get install dkms Next problem was constantly receiving a protocol …

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Creating an iOS push certificate PEM file

in the Apple developer console: Create a development iOS certificate of type “APNs Development iOS” – this is a certificate used to connect between your entity that sends the push (e.g a php script on a server or some other app) and the APN development (sandbox) gateway that delivers the push to the remove iOS …

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Quick ReactJS native environment setup on OS/X

First, install XCode Also install brew ( Then, from the command line brew install node brew install watchman npm install -g react-native-cli to generate a new project, from the command line react-native init myproj The above will create a basic React native template (it can take a few minutes, lots of megabytes involved…). When complete …

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Cordova – update all plugins in project

A quick hack to update all the Cordova plugins used in a Cordova project. Next hack will be updating all Cordova platforms… From the Cordova project run the following (unix shell required): cordova plugins | grep -Eo ‘^[^ ]+’ | while read line do     echo "cordova plugin remove $line"     echo "cordova …

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Generating call graphs with Doxygen

Obviously you should first download and install Doxygen Next, you should download and install Graphviz which will install the dot tool in a nutshell, you create the documentation by running: doxygen my_conf_file Where my_conf_file contains all the required parameters for the generated documentation. If you use the doxygen wizard from the UI, a configuration file …

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Adding user on MySQL

This will be put here until I create a page of all those things that should be put on one cheat sheet… CREATE USER ‘newuser’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO ‘newuser’@’localhost’; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;